Monday, 31 March 2008

First Attempt at Quilting

Front View:

More Detail:

This was my first attempt at patchwork and quilting. It was made from some pieces I had picked up from spotlight. There were 10 green tone and 10 brown tone pieces, I trimmed them to be the same size as the smallest piece, then stitched the scraps together along their long edges, cut them in strips and sewed them together to form 2 long patchwork strips. These formed the slim columns down the quilt.

After I put the patchwork top together I put different coloured bias binding over it to see what looked best. I really liked how the dark red picked up the small flecks of red in the prints.

In hindsight I don't think I have the best arrangement of the fabrics looking at the scale, detail and depth of colour. It is a bit wonky in places and the border is not quite even, but I think it is ok for a first attempt which happened in a very unplanned manner. The finished size is 88x108cm (35"x42"), really only big enough for a baby

The quilting stitching was done on my machine and seems to be ok, I got better at staying in the ditch as I went along. It is bound by bringing the back over the front and slip stitching.

I plan to give it to any member of my family who actually likes it.

Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Smock Top for Mum

Mum struggles with the heat of summer where she lives in central Queensland and needs very light weight cotton clothing for wearing around the house.

This was something that I drafted and made out of left over fabric in my stash. I was a fairly quick and easy project.

Jelly Beans for the Jelly Bean

The Jelly Bean with her Great-Grandma.

While my brothers wife was pregnant he would send out updates about the progress of "The Jelly Bean", so of course when she was born I HAD to make a jelly bean dress for the jelly bean!

It was a really simple pattern, but because I tried to make it after my week of night shift on no sleep I managed to make so many mistakes it was rather crazy. It all worked out when I put it down and had a few days sleep and finished it.

Little Chambray Bear

My nephew was born 6 weeks early so I thought a little soft chambray bear for a special little boy was necessary.

Camo Ballerina Bear

What else should I make when the Daddy is a commando?

I made the bear before my niece was born and decided on the tutu when we found out the baby was a girl.

The leotard and tutu are entirely self drafted and if you look very closely I embroidered tiny eyelashes as well.