
This was my first attempt at patchwork and quilting. It was made from some pieces I had picked up from spotlight. There were 10 green tone and 10 brown tone pieces, I trimmed them to be the same size as the smallest piece, then stitched the scraps together along their long edges, cut them in strips and sewed them together to form 2 long patchwork strips. These formed the slim columns down the quilt.
After I put the patchwork top together I put different coloured bias binding over it to see what looked best. I really liked how the dark red picked up the small flecks of red in the prints.
In hindsight I don't think I have the best arrangement of the fabrics looking at the scale, detail and depth of colour. It is a bit wonky in places and the border is not quite even, but I think it is ok for a first attempt which happened in a very unplanned manner. The finished size is 88x108cm (35"x42"), really only big enough for a baby
The quilting stitching was done on my machine and seems to be ok, I got better at staying in the ditch as I went along. It is bound by bringing the back over the front and slip stitching.
I plan to give it to any member of my family who actually likes it.