Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Stash Busting Vintage

I recently made my first purchase of vintage patterns from the US and this was one of the things that was in my package. A simple button front dress from the mid sixties in a size 18 1/2 .
I had to do a full bust adjustment and added a bit more fullness to the skirt. The buttons are vintage shell buttons I found in an antique shop in Mt Tamborine.

I will probably wear it with a belt and a white petticoat . At the moment the only belt I have to wear with it is a black one but I think I will have to find a shiny white belt.
The fabric is a light weight cotton with raised dots and an embroidered white boarder bought on sale about a year ago. I have been waiting for a good pattern to use it.
This is a close up of the fabric.

I think it is a cute dress and will possibly make it again in a bright fabric for summer.

Thursday, 4 October 2007

A Little Ancient History.

Well maybe not quite that long.

About 12 years ago I wanted a cape with a hood, not for any great reason other than I thought they looked really great and I wanted one.
I don't go to Ren Fairs or Cosplay or any such thing, maybe I would have if there were such things in inland Australia.

So I found a pattern I liked, Style 2377. Then spent a fortune on probably 6 or more metres of silk double velvet. That is beautiful heavy thick velvet made from pure silk. Then had to have a red lining.

Laid it all out on the floor of my little flat and got cutting and sewing. After I got the whole thing together I had to go see a local seamstress to have her measure and hem it for me. I chickened out at that point.

Than I had my cape. I have loved it ever since and I am really pleased that I spent and insane amount of money on the fabric because I think it looks as good today as the day I made it.


I close it with a Clan broach (which almost gets as many comments as the cape)


Pinned open so you can get an idea of how full it really is.

It is a piece of pure indulgence and I have had very few opportunities to wear such a beautiful garment. I has done service as a bed spread, a lounge throw and as a prop for my friends wedding. At the moment it is doing long service in my closet as I live on the Gold Coast and it never gets cold enough for something this heavy. (Maybe I'll have to have a costume party just so it can make a brief appearance.)

I just wanted to share this garment and say if you really love a piece spend the money on it from the beginning and you will get many many years to enjoy it.

My New Favourite Skirt Pattern!

Spotlight had a sale on Vogue Patterns recently and V7910 was one of the patterns I grabbed.

I have decided that I really need to incorporate pockets into as many of the clothes I make as possible so this was a good pattern with deep practical pockets.

I used a linen rayon blend fabric with a black poly cotton lining (I did a lining instead if waist facings),and top stitched in black. It was a simple pattern, fits really well and is very comfortable. It is a size 16.

Front view:

Close up of waist and pocket detail:

I will definitely make this again and have been trying to decide how to incorporate it into a dress pattern.

Baby's Clothes

My recent holiday was to the UK to catch up with friends. My very good friend had a baby girl earlier this year and I decided I would make some little things for her.

Spotlight was having some pattern sales so I picked up a few patterns half price, including Burda 9717.

I also found in the $1 bin a piece of very soft flannel.

They came together to make this:

I had to try doing some decorative stitching around the hem and sleeves and after several trials on scrap fabric asked my DH for his opinion, he chose the hearts and I think it was the right choice. The pattern came together quickly and easily and I will probably use it again. A really good pattern.

It fit her perfectly.

Now the question I have for you is,everyone says "Cute!" as soon as they see it, are they honest or is this a subliminal message from the fabric?

I also made the Jacket in View B in a soft brown corduroy with delicate pink flowers , used pink fabric under the collar and on the backs of the ties and on the insides if the cuffs. I then top stitched the seams in fuscia pink. I didn't finish hemming and hand stitching until I got to the UK and completely forgot to take a photo of it before I gave it away. I will have to try and get my friends to send me a photo of their daughter wearing it. It is one of the things I am most proud of making.

Beginners Hat

Recently I purchased a book called "Saturday Night Hat" by Eugenia Kim and one Saturday afternoon while my DH and Brother were working on some computer problem I decided to make some muffins (Apple and Cinnamon). While they were in the oven I pulled out the hat book and decided to make the Cloche Hat. I rummaged though my scrap box for some suitable fabric and went to it.

Before the muffins were out of the oven I had a hat!



Not bad I thought for about 15 minutes work and my first attempt. I then gave I to a friend at work for her birthday, she loved it!

Now my DH expects me to make a "baggy" hat for cricket.

I'm Back

I am going to try to catch up on some of the things I have done lately. The big gap is because I was on holidays for 4 weeks and was busy leading up to and after my holidays. Sewing happened but blogging didn't.

I'm in a bit of a fuzzy mood today so things might end up being a tad random.

Could mean a more interesting blog though.

Any way I'll post a few different things today and maybe a few of the things I have in the pipeline.

I feel I need a bit of a kick up the backside to get going on them though.