I decided that I needed some thing new to wear on Christmas Day and thought a skirt would be the right thing. I had bought this bright Christmas cotton at Spotlight with the intention of making a circle skirt but when I looked at it at home I felt it was more suited to a six gored skirt. So I pulled out a skirt pattern I have previously made and love and went to work.
The pattern is Vogue 7910 and is a really simple pattern and a flattering shape. I decided not to line this skirt and would wear it with a slip .
I love the pockets on this skirt, large enough to be useful but discrete and don't spoil the line of the skirt.
I didn't really try to match the pattern but it seems to have matched quite well by accident.
On the close up of the pocket you can see the shape of the pocket and the detail of the print. I think what I like best is that even though it is a Christmas print it is not overboard.
I wore it with a simple black t shirt as the skirt is quite bold on its own. I had felt it would go quite well with my black swimmers but Christmas was unseasonably cool in Sydney this year and I skipped the swimming. It was very pleasant, not unbearably hot and humid as usual.